About Us

About Us


Carmelite spirituality is characterized by an intense thirst for an immediate and direct experience of God. Reduced to its most fundamental expression, Carmelite spirituality is centred on prayer, understood as loving friendship with God, and contemplation as the free gift of God.

Hence, Carmelite spirituality is focused on attention to one’s relationship with Jesus. This is expressed in various ways in the major sources of Carmelite spirituality, such as the Rule of St. Albert, the writings of the founders of Discalced Carmel, Saints Teresa and John of the Cross, and indeed in the writings of all our Carmelite saints.

Carmel Hill, is a dream come true of the Discalced Carmelites of the Karnataka Goa Province (India) in Canada. It is virtually a dream of dreams that is getting shaped through the monastery being built in this pisturesque green surrounding at Fraser Valley, British Columbia—Canada. The surroundings of this beautiful area is filled with lush green meadows, mountains and beautiful lakes.

It was in April 2012 when Helen Chua Tiampo agreed to donate a piece of land to the Carmelites through Fr. Rudolf V. D’Souza, that the seed of this great project was sown. After repeated discussions and meetings held with the estate planners and lawyers that finally a deal was struck to concretely find a land suitable for developing and realizing of the charism of the Discalced Carmelites friars. When at a meeting Helen C. Tiampo directed her secretary Mr. Steve Creighton to look for the land end of April 2012. Since Mr. Steve is in the field of real estate, he looked for almost 6 pieces of land in the Mission area of British Columbia. We zeroed in on a property at Sylvester Street, which was 20 acres in dimension. But as we were about to strike deal to purchase this land, someone else paid a higher price and we lost this chance. “This is God’s work, because God wants us to go elsewhere” said Helen and “we need to look for another piece.” Then in 15 days of search finally there was a 20 acreage of land with a beautiful house. Helen personally took charge of finalizing the deal and she strongly affirmed that she wanted this piece of land as there was a beautiful mountain right at the edge of the property. Immediately after initial documentations were done, Helen herself exclaimed saying, “this land for the Carmelites is beautiful with a mountain attached, we can call it CARMEL HILL”. This is just the beginning of the story…

Place of
Prayer, Meditation & Contemplation

Little Flower Monastery at Carmel Hill is a place of prayer, meditation and contemplation in the bosom of nature surrounded with beautiful mountains and lush green trees; a natural habitat of flora and fauna, open fields and farms, and fishes in the neighbouring river streams. In our comfortable and silent atmosphere you can find God’s presence, an ambience of peace and serenity for spending time “alone with God”.

  • - in the bosom of nature

    - surrounded with beautiful mountains

    - lush green trees

    - natural habitat of flora and fauna

    - open fields and farms

    - fish in the neighbouring river streams

karnataka goa province - india


Fr Silvestre Dsouza

Provincial - Karnataka Goa OCD Province

Fr Rudolf V Dsouza

President - Canadian Carmelite Charitable Society

Fr Alexander Braganza

Delegate Provincial - Canadian Carmelites

karnataka goa province - india



Fr Silvestre Dsouza

Provincial - Karnataka Goa OCD Province


Fr Rudolf V. Dsouza

Director - Canadian Carmelite Charitable Society


Fr Alexander Braganza

Delegate Provincial - Canadian Carmelites

Our Friars

Friars at the Monastery


Fr Vincent D'souza



Fr Mario Fernandes



Fr Stephen Lobo

Asst. Director

Our Friars

Friars at the Monastery

Discalced Carmelites operate this place of prayer and contemplation

Little Flower Monastery, Carmel Hill, Deroche, BC
Get to know us

Contemplative Community
& Place of Retreat

Booking is already open, you can simply fill one of the contact forms or email us: lfmevents@cccsoffice.ca

Yes! To find out more about bringing your group to Little Flower Monastery, Carmel Hill, head over about us page.

Little Flower Monastery, Carmel Hill offers various types of retreats or group bookings:

1. Little Flower Monastery runs a program, often with a designated facilitator or speaker, which may have a particular focus or theme. Summer weeks are designed for families while most of the Fall and Spring retreats are designed with adults in mind.

2. Religious groups, where Religious Congregations will come and run their own program while enjoying the fabulous ocean views and generous hospitality provided by our on-site team.

3. Ministry groups (aka church or non-profit organizations). Our Centre hosts dozens of church or non-profit organizations every year, ranging in size from 20 to 60 people, coming for a couple of days to a whole week. For more information, please email us lfmevents@cccsoffice.ca